Sometimes, we might get an idea that growing further means working harder.
Running faster. Taking up even more responsibilities on our shoulders.
When we are already working hard, running fast and with pretty heavy load we carry?..
What is it exactly within you, that creates the heaviness where you are at right now.
And have you considered what would happen...
If the world has led you to develop some sharp edges, put on armour, put the shoulders under and lift up whatever comes your way.
You might be carrying a load from the past - that isn't necessarily yours to carry.
Can you imagine how it feels to...
When the unconscious limitations are released, there appears space to
There are parts within ourselves that feel expansive. And parts that feel contractive.
Just like embarking on a change journey: there is a part that's calling. And a part that's holding us back.
There are thousands and thousands of decisions we make every day (mostly unconsciously), between those inner battles - of calling and holding back.
Now when we start giving space to the expansive parts. That fill us up with ease, and joy, movement, growth, rest, action.
And start releasing the contractive ones, that make us resist, stay small. Shedding old layers of unconscious disappointments, pains, frustrations, fears. That keep us "safe" from change.
Is when the magic starts to happen.
The latter is what helped you get where you are at now. The current beliefs, conditioning, have led you to the choices, actions and hence allowed you to create what you see now in your world around you. All of it, the ugly and the beautiful.
But it's in the former that the keys are found to transformation.
Can you imagine what would happen, when you shine the light of consciousness, to those unconscious parts?
And then, transform your biggest limitations to the new, more supportive ways?
We work at the depths of your being, beyond the logical mind (which integrates the experience after). We embrace lost parts of yourself with softness.
So that from the place of wholeness, you can expand - in the ways you didn't know were possible before.
Not through resistance, willpower, determination.
We'll drop the should, must, have to.
We'll drop defences. Drop the force. We'll tap into newly found surrender. Tap into desire. Power.
Not against the stream. But aligning the direction to it's powers.
We'll activate the energy you didn't know you had within you.
Drop the limitations.
How does that sound?
We start in August, no problem if you have holidays in between.
If you feel the call.
Allow yourself to listen to those expansive parts of yours - fill in the below form and let's get chatting.
Release and activation
temporary introduction price...
€1750 EUR incl. VAT
(5x LEAP & 4x TH)
Focused on releasing what doesn't serve you. Coming home to your body, intuition, dropping the weight, feeling into inner guidance.
Especially effective if you feel your energy burning out, with lot's on your mind, lot's of balls to keep in the air.
It will bring ease, clarity. While releasing, we bring extra focus on the direction, and activate the action.
Fully via video connection (live sessions possible in Rotterdam, otherwise to be discussed depending on the travel distance).
Activation and release
temporary introduction price...
€1500 EUR incl. VAT
(6x TH & 3x LEAP)
Focus on activation, bringing movement. Direction, clarity, while at the same time adding lightness.
This one is for you, if you feel you are capable for more. Because you are: there is so much more within you. Perhaps you feel stuck, bored where you are, or your energy is getting deperessed and you feel stagnating in your direction, action, movement.
We will release the biggest blocks keeping you from moving forward, activate direction, goals, possibilities, desires. Courage to take action. Next to intentionally clearing blocks, any resistance, we will activate intuition and release the layers of conditioning.
Fully via video connection (live sessions possible in Rotterdam, otherwise to be discussed depending on the travel distance).
VAT number NL004647243B25
Chamber of Commerce 88766152
©2024 The Temple of You